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Sunday, June 22, 2008

A healthier me by Fall!

Summer of Me

Wanna join me on a summer challenge? Yes, I know my track record for finishing challenges, but it's a start, LOL!!

I am going to focus on ways to think and be healthier. I believe that if I keep concentrating on the weight I need to lose I will get no where. But if every day I concentrate on making small healthier choices, then more opportunities to do the right (healthy) thing will come along.

The challenge officially starts tomorrow, so go sign up, and get posting about what choices you are making for the better!


Christie O. said...

yes! welcome to the challenge! you can do it! that's my goal too, a healthier me by fall (all culminating with a 10k on thanksgiving day-- which seems crazy to me right now, but i swear i'm going to do it! it'll be an early christmas present! ha!

Anonymous said...

Hey, Beckie. I'm doing this challenge with you. I'm hoping to lose 10 pounds the next month, 25 total. I'll be checking in periodically to see how you're doing and to cheer you on.

Anonymous said...

I feel ya. It's not easy and "lifestyle change" seems the the way to go. But it so hard not to focus on the number on the scale.

A size smaller jeans by fall would feel pretty good. I'm with ya!