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Thursday, August 23, 2012

Ta Da List

I think I am going to restart me Ta Da Lists. It feels good to look back at what I've gotten done. I feel better when I have accomplished something with my day, but I often lack the motivation. So hopefully this will help in that department. And to be honest, a Ta Da list is sooo much nicer then a To Do lost don't you think?

  1.  Ran dishwasher TWICE! (lots of pots and cups)
  2.  3 loads of laundry washed, dryed, folded and put away.
  3. Prepared all the kids school supplies and organized the storage drawer. Laminated new calendars.
  4. Cooked dinner (yeah, that's an accomplishment)
  5. Revamped how I menu plan
  6. Cleaned all kitchen counters
  7. Caught up on all my SpiralScouts paperwork (I think?)

All in all not a bad days work!

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