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Thursday, May 24, 2012

We are all checked out..

Well, 99.9% checked out of the charter school that the kids have attended for the last  five years. It's kinda a scary thought, from today *until the kids get accepted into the new charter school we've applied to for 2013* I don't have to report to any teachers or principals. 

It was the best course of action for all of us. I was getting burned out on the constant drilling for STAR testing, and such. While the school had parts that were great, it changed in this last year to resemble something I really would rather avoid. So we checked out, turned in all our materials, and will stop by one last time next week to deliver cookies or some such to the great teachers. 

Now, I have to start planning for 2012-2013. I have two students, one in 1st and one in 5th who need curriculum! I need a new planner! Research to do and lists to make!! :) 

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