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Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Blogging for fun and profit..

I was just reading this interesting article from NPR about Blog-ola.. And in the light of this past weekends Blogher 09, and my plans to be at Blogher 10, I thought I'd get my thoughts down before the cash, trips and swags starts rolling in ;)

Yep, Blog-ola, as in the taking of payment for I guess postings, reviews or something on ones blog. I guess there is has been an outcry of foul for some Bloggers who are taking kick backs and not adequately disclosing this in their postings and reviews.

As a blogger who just started getting review and sponsor offers, I just don't get this at all. I LOVE telling the world that such and such gave me something to review. I think that sheds a more positive light on the brand being discussed. To me, that says they see the power of a Mommy Blogger, and want to reach out to us to get their word out.

Of course, I haven't been contacted by any HUGE companies, I have yet to be given a trip somewhere, or be offered to test drive a car. That might be in my future, if I actually get off my duff and start blogging again. LOL! But even then, I think that it would be in everybody's best interest to just be totally up front and say, HEY check out what Such and Such gave me!!

And maybe that's all just me being naive, and there is some reason why these Bloggers aren't disclosing this information. Some motive that I can't grasp that makes them decided to just keep that bit of information to themselves. Or maybe it's the companies themselves putting pressure on them, I don't know.

Anyways, as I have said before, and I will probably say again, I am more then willing to post, blog, review and shill for companies here on my blog. But only if I can be up and up as to source, and oh, yeah.. I can blog about the whole experience later ;)


MrsB said...

Hmmm, I'll have to go and read this. I do reviews and such on my blog (and like you haven't got a car yet, lol!) and I have to say that I'm not sure whether I've stated on each review whether I was contacted for it or not. Not that I was trying to hide anything - if asked I'd absolutely say that I was - but just from not thinking that it was that important.

Sometimes when I review something, it's something I bought originally and contacted the company to ask about doing a giveaway in conjunction with my review, because I like the product and want to share it with my readers.

I must be doing something wrong though, lol, because I am sure not getting "kick backs"!

Recent blog:=- Stink Management and a Giveaway!

Angela said...

Just came by, saw a link to your blog on All Mediocre. Your a SpiralScouting mom eh? Me too!!! I am with Black Bear Circle in Asheville, NC. I am also recently named Treasurer lol. Nice to see other SS mommas!

Recent blog:=- Should I Make The Leap?