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Sunday, June 02, 2013

Sometimes all you can do is laugh

Welcome Blog Hoppers!! Thanks for joining us here at Beckie Tetrault (dot) Com. Please be sure to visit the other blogs listed on the blog hop below, and leave a comment so I know you were here! 

Homeschooling even on the best days can be a tiring task. Sometimes what you really need is a good laugh! I went so far as to print out a few comics and attached them to my message board so that I can read them when ever I need a little pick me up! 

Comics are a good reminder that things really do happen in other families! (Click the comic to visit Home Spun Juggling for even more comics you can relate to!)

I know exactly what this mom is going through! I often think that teaching my child, X, Y or Z is going to be the death of me! 

Do you ever feel like every other homeschooling family is better then yours? Yeah, don't worry, we all have things we'd rather our kids not share with other homeschooling families. Personally, I'd rather they not share how often we eat Happy Meals. 

This is us, this Monday, our last day of homeschool for 2012-2013! YAY! 
Of course, lessons start again for us on Tuesday, as we work our way though our summer lessons :)

When you're getting maxed out, remember there are educational ways to get a few minute break! 

As a last resort ;) 
(Click on the above comic to visit The Pajama Diaries and read more!)

Be sure to visit the other great blogs in the Savvy Homeschool Moms Blog Hop! 

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Karen said...

I found you on the HS Hop.
HS comics are rare...thanks for sharing!

Susan said...

Love the comics! I also think your podcast is terrific!