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Sunday, January 02, 2011

Reading back over my blog..

I've been at this blogging thing for quite a while, but honestly the last year or so, I feel like I have been neglecting my blog in favor of Twitter and Facebook. I really need to change that. My blog used to be full of fun, pictures, meme's and such. Now it's just a post here and there to justify it's existance.

And I have no excuse, I can blog from any room of my house thanks to my new notebook from Google and from my iPhone with one of several apps. It's more that a blog post takes so much more then a quick status update on Facebook or Twitter. It requires more thought, more writing, the posting of pictures, links and more!!

But I am going to try. I am going to list my blogging goals here for all to see (well everyone who reads my blog, LMAO) and hope that I can hold myself to them.

In 2011 I am going to

  1. Do Menu Plan Monday's again (now I don't ACTUALLY menu plan on Monday's because of DH's schedule, but I can set it up to autopost on Mondays :) ) 
  2. Try to post at least twice a week, even if it's just an update on how school is going!
  3. Make it worth the while of the 300 or so people who follow this blog to continue to do so! 
So there.. that's the plan anywho, we shall see how it goes ;)

1 comment:

Mel said...

I am guilty of the same thing. I used to be so good about blogging even if just for my family and friends about what is up but I don't even bother with that any more most of the time. Twitter and Facebook are just so easy and accessible!