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Monday, January 03, 2011

First Menu Planning Monday post of 2011!

(I'll have to remember to come back and link that banner to the big list of Menu Planners, so that you can click it and see what other people are eating this week too!)

I found this great link that Organzing Junkie posted last week that I thought I'd share as well! Meal Planning for the Non-Planner :)

  1. Homemade Pizza
  2. Pasta
  3. Bean Burritos
  4. Eggs and Biscuits
  5. Grilled Cheese and Tomato Soup
And that's as far as I got. Yes, I know there are 7 days in a week, but we have beans, rice, mac n cheese, and such, I am sure at least one of those nights I will resort to corndogs and mac n cheese, just because they will wear me down, LOL.. 

It's a start, right??

1 comment:

Tiffiny said...

It's more than just a start-It's better than what I've got. I thought I had enough food in the freezer, but I have to make ANOTHER trip to the store to buy stuff for dinner. You'd think I'd learn and actually do some sort of menu planning, but, well....Yeah, I can't seem to get my act together!

I'll be over on corndog day. ;)