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Saturday, July 02, 2005

Flutters, Flutters everywhere...

But no one else can feel :(

This little guy is super active. He was all over the place during the ultrasound, I was amazed we got the picture below as he was jumping, kicking and rolling the whole time!

And now I can feel his little kicks, especially at night, when everyone else is quiet and I can consentrate. The nurse-practitioner I see says I can't feel the baby yet, but I think after having 2 kids, I know the difference between kicks and gas, LOL!

He's a big thumb sucker, he did that a lot while we were watching. I can't wait to get my 4D ultrasound next month...

1 comment:

Troop 2449 said...

Beckie, I am so happy for you!! I can't wait to see the 4d pictures!!